Designed by Brian Zick
Neuton is a clean, dark, somewhat Dutch-inspired serif font which reminds you a little of Times. It has a large height, short extenders, and a compact width for better screen use, and economy of space.
The family will comprise a regular, italic, and cursive, each in five weights and with smallcaps. Two italics — one will be called "italic", and the other "cursive" — are uncommon, but very useful. Ever tried emphasizing something already emphasized? Beyond that obvious example, there are other uses.
Sometimes a text needs a different flavor or feel. While one roman can work for a variety of texts, the companion italics don't always. In more classical or personal documents, a stiff, sober, modern and down-to-earth italic will never work. And in many essays, some of the fancier italics look ridiculous. Who said a roman needs only one companion?
You can download font files directly and install them with Font Book. However, it’ll be much easier to install these fonts with RightFont — the best font manager for Mac.
These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise.